1.Fisrt Five year plan was started in 1951.
2.Examples for Socialist Economy China, Russia, Eastern European countries
3.The highest Adult literacy rate in the world achieved by Republic of korea.
4.Presicent of planning commission Prime minister
5.Garibi Hatao by Indira Gandhi during IV Five year plan.
6.Percaapita income of India in1995 $340.
7.Income earned through wealth and property is Un earned income
8.Supply and demand forces determine the price level in Capitalist Economy
9.Electronic goods belonged to Organized sector
10.Largest item of import of India is Petrolium
11.Plunder of Economic wealth by Dadabai Nauroji
12.Economic Drain(Drain Theory) by D.R. Gadgil.
13.Example for basic industries iron and steel, cement, chemical.
14.The main objective of IV five year plan Removal poverty
15.Small land holdings related to Agricultural productivity
16.Planning commission was set up in 1950 March
17.Financial institutions come under service sector
18.The period of II Five Year Plan is 1956 to 1961
19.Under disguised employment marginal productivity is zero.
20.Structural Inflation rampant in Latin American countries
21.Example for social housing schemes IYA and UBS
22.Primary sector includes Agriculture, Mining, Plantation, Fisheries, Cattle rearing
23.Increase of towns is indication of Urbanization
24.Sustained rise in price level is called Inlation
25.National Income/population = Percapita Income
26.Scheduled commercial banks are those which fulfill the conditions stipulated is
Second Schedule of RBI Act
27.In elementary Education India stands at second place
28.Tele communication policy of 1994 proposes to increase private investements
29.Under Mahalwary system the land is owned by small group of families who pay rent to the state.
30.A major failure of planning in India is that could not achieve reduction of income ineaqualities
31.Under employment means working less than standard hours (14 hrs/week)\
32.Srengtheing of infrastructure sector is the objective of 8th five year plan
33.IRDP- Integrated Rural Development Programme
34.Deputy chairman of planning commission is Montek singh ahluvalia
35.Now we are in 11th five year plan
36.Literacy rate of India is 65.38%
37.Rank of Andhra Pradesh in literacy is 22.
38.Literacy rate of Andhra Pradesh is 61.11%
39.Modernisation represents Employment of work force in Service Sector
40.Regional development plans for Rayalaseema and Telangana were adopted in 1970.